Friday, January 21, 2011

We're Back!

Well, we weren't actually gone, just unconnected! I am pleased to report that we have not only unpacked our computers, but also have our internet connection up and running again. Sorry for leaving you dangling with our progress on getting settled out here. Just to bring you up to speed....

Walter fell during the ice we had the weekend before Christmas while working a house fire at work. X-Rays and an MRI led the doctors to suspect a torn meniscus (cartilage) for the reason why Walter had a swollen knee and pain. The workmans' comp doctor recommended 2 weeks of physical therapy, and Walter was placed on light duty work (M-F, 8-4:00 pm). This really squelched our construction project at home. We had barely finished the tin roof before the injury, and had to get help to get the washer and dryer up and running, and the piano and roll top desk moved, etc.

Work on getting settled creeped along as Walter was only home on weekends, but we are mostly settled now. We abandoned the idea of enclosing the rest of the middle room, but at least it is under roof and keeps most of the snow off.

This morning, Friday, January 21, Walter had arthroscopic surgery to smooth out the tear in the cartilage. We are hoping that in another 4-6 weeks he can return to regular duty again.

In the meantime we are starting to look at house plans again. The kids are back to doing school work and activities again and trying to make up for time lost while moving. I am trying to catch up on everything I let get behind, and we are sure enjoying our new home, despite challenges with frozen water pipes, frozen doors, and a camper sized refridgerator and stove!

Christmas morning in the camper.

Our family at a Christmas gathering.

Posted by Pam

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